DIY Wedding Letter Marquee

DIY Wedding Idea:

Letter Marquee

When you google DIY Wedding Letter Marquee there are so many options and ideas to choose from. Many expensive ones as well. Being the budget friendly bride that I was, I wasn’t going to spend a couple hundred dollars on the nice metal ones I wanted. So with my creative genes I attempted to recreate one of our own. This was the first creative idea I set forth with all of our wedding DIY crafts and although it can be a bit time consuming and a bit messy, it turned out exactly how I wanted it.

Here are the before and after:

DIY wedding ideas

I went shopping for styrofoam and white poster boards. Took a trip to Target and bought a box of stringed lights. I stenciled and cut, (the messy part) and hot glue gunned the poster to the styrofoam stenciled letters. I sprayed painted them metallic color to look like metal. (Remember how I wanted the nice expensive metal ones). Drilled holes for the lights and inserted them. Connected them to an outlet to make sure they lit up and that it wasn’t too hot. I wanted to be certain that if they were on for a few hours during the reception, they wouldn’t get too warm, burn out or catch on fire. Simple, time consuming but such a beautiful piece that was added to our wedding.

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